What I Do
"Be yourself, everyone else is taken" - Oscar Wilde
lyrics, melody & harmony
production & recording
audio mastering & delivery
I have been writing songs and recording albums, performing gigs and releasing music for 25 years and I am using my wealth of experience and skills to provide individuals and families with a unique and precious service. I provide people with the opportunity to capture their lives in song, their love, their wishes and advice in order to leave a lasting heirloom for future generations within a family.
What's included?
My service facilitates a therapeutic, tenderly performed and professionally recorded song where we sit down, have a warm conversation and those words, stories and feelings are transformed into a timeless musical presentation.
The recording is delivered on a variety of durable formats including Vinyl, Digital USB, Cloud Hosting or streaming. Most of these formats can be passed from generation to generation and give a family something magical to treasure. If requested the song can be released on streaming platforms such as Spotify or Apple Music and licensed with the Performing Rights Society for future lifetime royalty payments. You also receive a password protected space in The Songwriting Company song library to host your song with an image slideshow of your loved one.
It’s a new way of creating something powerful and long-lasting for the most important people in a family’s life, providing a therapeutic and irreplaceable way of remembering who they were and providing a new way of enhancing a family tree.
I look forward to hearing from you.

20+ years of song craft in a nutshell
I never dreamed I would end up here today when I first plugged a microphone into my Dad's Awai stereo and recorded my first song at the age of 6. Over three decades later I've been on an almost unimaginable music adventure that has taken me from sell-out shows to two live Radio One sessions on John Peel with my first band EleMenT / tRANSELEMENt, BBC and ITV This Morning television appearances and recordings and live shows with some of my favourite music artists such as Dodgy, Republica and Mike and the Mechanics. Now my adventure has really begun and I have the vision to change the way people are remembered forever. When my Grandma passed away, there was nowhere for me to pay my respects. No space to sit. No place to go. So I wrote a song for her to help me remember her whenever I played it or listened to the recording. I had a deep feeling there were millions of others on the planet who may also want a special place for their loved ones or even for themselves and so I started The Songwriting Company to begin building a new place for people to place their memories. These are songs for life and for love, memorials and powerfully connected heirlooms just waiting to be written. I'd love to talk to you if this is something you would like to create.
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